Monday, January 31, 2011

movie day 2

We continued watching the movie today. Many of the fist people were hunter/ gatherers. They moved around when animals migrated  to be able to hunt the animals. Hunting wasnot a reliable source for food. Gathering was a more useful way to get a reliable source of food. Gatherers looked for food every day from plants. Papua New Guinea gatherers got food from sego trees. In the middle east barley and wheat grew and  it helped population grow in the middle east. The climate became colder so people had to move to find food. An old village in the middle east was discovered by archeologists. The site was called Draa. It was in the middle east by the dead sea. The village was 11,500 years old. In that area people start growing plants and control ( agriculture). The people didn't need to keep moving because they are able to grow food. They made a grannery that stored grainns so the could be used for later. They began to live near sources of water to grow plants  and started to settle and build permanent houses. Rice was grown in China. Corn was grown in North America  Papua New Guinea didn't have as much protien in their diets unlike the middle east crops.
Geographic luck is how licky some people were to be born into a an area that had geographic features that helped villages grow and civilizations start. A problem with sego is that it doesn't last long.

Monday, January 24, 2011

First day

In class today we watched a movie called Guns Germs and Steel. It was based on a book by Jared Diamond. It shows the reason why europe has advanced so quickly and other areas hadn't. The movie talked about have vs have not. The movie describes people who haves  peole who have ample things and more than just having basic needs fufiled. People who have not do not have what they need or barely what they need to live. Jared visited Papua New Guinea. Race does not decide how superior someone is to another person. New Guinea people are intellegent and are not living different than they did centuries ago.
The question then came up as to why then so different? Jared Diamond watches birds as a hobby.
The movie takes places in  Papua New Guinea