Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Blog Roman Empire

We reviewed for the test tomorrow on the Roman empire. Romans were harsh towards people who would not worship the emperor. Christians were often used for entertainment purposes in the Colosseum. Octavian was also know as Augustus and was the first emperor of Rome. He began the Pax Romana. when he dies he passes the power to Tiberious. Augustus emperor when Jesus was born. The governor put Jesus to death.
Muslims didn't believe that Jesus was the Messiah. Paul was torering Christians but turned toward Christianity. He traveled to spread news about Jesus. Most influencial people

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Power point notes

Plebeians were lower class people in Rome. Rome had an army that consisted of a legion which was about 5,000 men. Punic Wars were between Carthage and Rome. Carthage was in northern Africa by Egypt. Hannibal went across the Alps to attack Rome. Latifundia were large farms made up of small farms. Hannibal destroyed farms, homes and villages, and homes. They sold land to the wealthy and moved to Rome. The Gracchus brothers were Tiberius and Gaius. Seved as tribunes attempted to pass land reform . Tiberius became a tribune. Gaius took the same office as his brother 10 years later. Tried to get land back for the Plebian farmers. Julius Caesar crassus and pompi formed an alliance. Caesar recruited people like crassus. Crassus was a wealthy military man. Pompey turned against Caesar. Triumbary was an alliance between the three. Crassus was killed in the battle of Gaul. Julius Caesar was a pagan. He was assasinated in The ides of March. He was stabbed in the chest 23 times. Marcus Brutus was the main leader in the assasination of Caesar. Gaius Longinus helped to plan the assasination of Caesar.Octavian was Caesar's adopted son. 100 Senators and 2,000 buisnessmen were killed in revenge for Julius Caesar's death. Battle of Actium.