Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Egypt Rap

Ancient Egypt was fine
Sit down and give me some time
to give you  a rhyme
about this cicivilization.
 It would take me a lot of mods
to tell you about egypts gods
700 strong
to tell you about each would take to long.
They all were based on things in nature.
Ra was the main god
god of the Sun.
Thankfully this rap is not done.

Pryamids were a big thing in egypt
A tall four sided triangle
was a tomb for the pharoh
built with sand, clay and stone.
But the egyptians did not build them alone
they had help from workes and slaves.
inside the pyrimid was a maze
to find where the pharoh lays
Buried with them was treasures .

Egyptians were buried as mummies
obviously not dummies.
their bodies wrapped in cloth
as tightly as if you were on Hoth.
Star Wars fans only get this joke
it just gives there humor a poke.
All the organs were removed
and put in jars to be buried with them.
Many steps it included
to make sure the body was secluded
from air to prevent deteriorating.

Now that this this rap is done
now you can see who won
the award for a good civilization.
thanks for taking the time
to read my rhyme about the Egyptians
So now it is done
i hope you had some fun
learning about ancient Egypt
I won't perfrom this rap
because if i did i would sound like crap.
so if you can please sing for me
so you can help tell this story

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