Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Class

In class we finished reviewing the test. We then talked about what projects each of us were going to do. a few people traded topics. We found out what topic each of us were going to do. We discussed ideas for how to do the project. We talked about options for presenting the project.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Test Review

In class today we went over the answers to the test we took yesterday. We got an assignment on Greece. We each chose the topics to our projects by random. Each topic was on a notecard and we randomly chose it. We were allowed to trade the topic with another person if we wanted to. My topic was on Greek architecture.

Monday, March 21, 2011


We continued watching the movie on ancient Greece. Greeks had plays called tradgeties. They were stories that had a bad ending. Hubris is a fatal flaw. Pericles decides to go to war with Sparta. Victory over Sparta would mean Athens would be the leader of Greece. Pericles got people to evacuate Athens.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Movie Day 3

We continued watching the movie about Greece. Themisticles helped give Greece a better miliatry ideas. Triruim was a fast boat that were used to ram ships. It was used as a weapon. The Greeks discovered silver in their land. He wanted to build ships using the silver that was found to defend againsr Persia. He told the people that they could build them to compete with their rivals in Greece. Xerxes was Darius's son that took power after him. He wanted to wipe out Athens. In 480 B.C Xerxes finished building his army. The oracle was someone who thought they could communicate with the gods. The oracle at Delphi was the most famous ocracle.   It was built around a chasm in the mountain. The Athenians went to the oracle to get an answer of how to stop the Persians. The second time they went to the oracle and the oracle told them to use the "wooden wall". Themisticles knew that the "wooden wall" was the tririums. They ordered the Athenians to evacuate Athens. They also told the men that could fight to fight. They were evacuated to an island called Salamas. The Persians burned the Acropolis to the ground. The Greeks fought the Persians in the straight of Salamas. They won the battle at sea and made the Persains retreat. Delian league was a group of city states that banded together incase of a Persian attack. After the Battle of Salamas the Greeks became the best navy power in the East Mediterrainian. Themisticles was ostracized  by the Athenians. Pericles was a leader of Athens. Pericles was to create a city that was fit to rule an empire. He wanted to make Athens the greatest city. The Parthenon was a building that was built as a tribute to Athena. It was built in 15 years. It cost about $1 billion in today's money. The Parthenon had a 40 foot statue  of Athena in it made of glod and ivory. The Parthenon frieze was a 500 foot long stretch of carvings in the wall like a 2 dimesional statue.  Aspasia was a foriegn woman. Pericles let Aspasia participate in important government conversations. Greeks watched plays together in one area. The Greeks invented drama.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Movie review day 2

We continued watching the movie and reviewing it. The people rose up in revolution. It was the first time in history that the people overthrew the government.  Cleisthenes was let back in Athens after the revolution. The agora was a place that people met to talk about government. Democracy was invented by Cleisthenes. In 490 B.C Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Sparta to tell the people that Persia was invading and to ask the Spartains for help. Hoplites were trianed soldiers. Greeks found whatever they could use as weapons to fight the Persians. The Athenians fought the Persians and the Persians eventually retreated. Themistocles was a leader who helped the Greeks fight the Persians.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie review

In class today we watched a  movie on ancient Greece. Themisticles Herocles socroties were important to Greek history.  508 B.C there was an uprising in Athens. Cleisthenes was an aristocrat that helped people to uprise  He was born around 570 B.C he was brought up in high social class. Athens was a small town in Greece at this time. Athens  was built around the Acropolis. The country was ruled by aristocrats. Mountains separated sections of Greece. Each part of Greece was called a city states.  Sparta were  focused on military things.  The Spartans were the best military city state in Greece.
The Greeks were facinated by stories and myths. The Illiad and Odyssey were the most popular stories in Greece. They were composed by Homer. These stories were called epics. Tyrants were rulers that took power. Pisistratus tricked Atheniens to believe that he had been chosen by the gods to rule. He was Cleisthenes brother-in-law. Pisistratus reduced taxes and introduced loans. Olives were a big part of Greece's economy. Olive oil allowed Greece to aquire goods from oter countries by trading. Hippias took over after Pisistratus. In 514 B.C Hippias's brother was murdered. He avenged his brother's murder. He then had changed and he was paranoid.  Cleisthenes led an uprising to over throw Hippias.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Movie notes review

We reviewed what we saw on the movie on Friday. The Greeks were the first civilization to have a democracy. The Olympic games were invented in Greece. We also looked at a powerpoint that Mr.Schick made. Greece was located by the Mediterrainian Sea. Italy was to the west. Persia was to the East. Egypt was to the south. Greece is a peninsula, and mountains cover about 3/4 of the country. There are approximatley 1,400 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. The location shaped the country's culture.
The people were skilled sailors. There were poor natural resources. It was difficult to unite the Ancient Greeks because of the terrain and they developed small, independant communities. About 20% of the land was suitable for farming. They grew grains, grapes,olives. The lack of resources leads to Greek colonization.
Temperatures range from 48 in the winter to 80 in the summer. Myceneans civilization began around 2000 B. C. Located on a rocky ridge and protected by a 20 ft. thick wall. The Dorians moved in around 1200 B.C and were far less advanced. Writing disappeared for 400 years.   Homer was one of the greatest Greek story tellers. He wrote the Illiad and Odyssey.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Greeks Video

In class we watched a movie in class today.  Herocles was a Greek politician. Clysthanies helped Greeks gain freedom from their oppressors. He was born around 570 B.C. Town of Atherns was the center of the Greek empire. It was surruonded by the Acpropolis. Aristotle was a famous Greek writer. Greece was very mountainous land. It was very difficult to get around. Greece was divided into city states. Athens, Argos, Corinthian, and Sparta were all Greek city states. Spartains were raised to be a soldiers at birth. They wore red capes to hide blood in battle. Greeks loved stories and myths. Illiat and the Oddesy were the most famous stories in Greece. Greeks had many olives and used hem for various things. Olives helped Greece's economy grow. Pottery was a large part of art in Greece. Clysthanes decided to overthrow Hippias. Men would gather in Olympia every four years to compete in various events. It was the early version of the Olympic Games. Isagerious went to Sparta to get people to help him get to power. In 508 B.C the people rose up and took power away from the ruler.
Clysthanies created a government that was a democracy. Persians decided to invade Greece. Darius was the ruler of the Persians. Battle of Marathon was won by the Greeks. Themisticles came into power by democracy. In 483 B.C Greeks discovered silver in their land. They used the money to build a fleet of ships to have a navy. Xerxes was a Persian king that was the son of Darius.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Powerpoint Notes

In class today, Mr. Schick read us a history of the Greece and Persian wars. Cyrus the Great started conquering many areas and conquered most of the known world. The Battle of Marathon was part of the Persian wars. Darius was the king of Persia during the Battle of Marathon. Xerxes was the king after Darius. He created and army as sson as he came into power.  His army included: about 100,000 to 180,000 men, and a fleet of about 600 ships.Peloponnese, Greece had a narrow pass to the mainland of Greece. It was where the Spartains lived. Herodotus was a historian of ancient Greece. He was also a sociologist. Greece did not get along with eachother.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Modern Egypt

We looked at a powerpoint about modern Egypt today. Egypts economy is based on mostly tourism. They have oil, natural gas, and manufacturing. Agriculture is a part of the economy. 3% of their land is arable land.
They grow cotton, corn, rice, wheat, and fava beans. In 1970 they built a dam to control the water of the Nile. 79 million people are in Eypt ( the biggest in Middle East. Third largest in Africa.). the Largest city in Egypt is Cairo with 6.7 million people. The official language is Arabic ( English, French, and German) The religion is 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christian ( Coptic). 1922- end of protectorate with the United Kingdom. 1953- Egypt declared a Republic. 1964- 1970- ruled by Gamal Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal forms allegiance with Soviet Union. 1970 -1981- Ruled by Anwar Sadat switches allegiance to the U.S. Sadat was assassinated in 1981. 1981- 2011- ruled by Hosni Mumbarak kept alliance with U.S. He was accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations. He was driven from office following mass demonstrations last month. Egypt currently ruled by military junta, but democratic elections scheduled for September 2011. Muammar Gaddafi is the leader of Libya and has been in power since 1969.    

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Egypt Prezi Day 2

This is the second day of looking at the Prezi on Egypt. Silt was a very rich soil that made it easy to grow plants. Silt was left after the water receded from the flooding in July. Sphinx of Giza was built around  2555 - 2532 BC. Daily life of Egyptians was based on class. The scribes wrote in hieroglyphs and in hieratic. The soldiers used wooden weapons ( bows, arrows, spears) w/ bronze tips and might ride chariots. Upper class, known as the "white kilt class"-priests, physicians,engineers.Religious and political leader were the nobles. Pharaohs is the political and religious leader of Egyptian people, holding the titles: "lord of the Two Lands and High priest" The pharoah was the ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. Hatsheput was a woman who served as a pharoah. Cleopatra VII also served as pharoah, but much later.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Notes on the Prezi on Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt Preziwill cover Geography, daily life, Pharohs, gods and godesses, and the pyramids. Egyptian life is centered around the Nile River. The Nile River flows north into the Mediterrainian Sea.
Every July the Nile River floods. Every October it leaves behind rich soil. The delta is a broad, marshy triangular area of fertile soil. Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation. The Great sphinx of Giza is one of the most known egyptian structures. It was a recumbent lion with a human's head.
it is the oldest monumental statue in the world. Daily life of the egyptians. Pharoah was at the top, then government officials, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, slaves and servants. Slaves and servants helped the wealthy with household jobs. Farmers raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions benefited from Nile irrigation. Artisans carved statues and art jobs. They used money/ barter system was used. Later, coinage came out. Scribes take records and stories wrote down everytthing.