Friday, March 18, 2011

Movie Day 3

We continued watching the movie about Greece. Themisticles helped give Greece a better miliatry ideas. Triruim was a fast boat that were used to ram ships. It was used as a weapon. The Greeks discovered silver in their land. He wanted to build ships using the silver that was found to defend againsr Persia. He told the people that they could build them to compete with their rivals in Greece. Xerxes was Darius's son that took power after him. He wanted to wipe out Athens. In 480 B.C Xerxes finished building his army. The oracle was someone who thought they could communicate with the gods. The oracle at Delphi was the most famous ocracle.   It was built around a chasm in the mountain. The Athenians went to the oracle to get an answer of how to stop the Persians. The second time they went to the oracle and the oracle told them to use the "wooden wall". Themisticles knew that the "wooden wall" was the tririums. They ordered the Athenians to evacuate Athens. They also told the men that could fight to fight. They were evacuated to an island called Salamas. The Persians burned the Acropolis to the ground. The Greeks fought the Persians in the straight of Salamas. They won the battle at sea and made the Persains retreat. Delian league was a group of city states that banded together incase of a Persian attack. After the Battle of Salamas the Greeks became the best navy power in the East Mediterrainian. Themisticles was ostracized  by the Athenians. Pericles was a leader of Athens. Pericles was to create a city that was fit to rule an empire. He wanted to make Athens the greatest city. The Parthenon was a building that was built as a tribute to Athena. It was built in 15 years. It cost about $1 billion in today's money. The Parthenon had a 40 foot statue  of Athena in it made of glod and ivory. The Parthenon frieze was a 500 foot long stretch of carvings in the wall like a 2 dimesional statue.  Aspasia was a foriegn woman. Pericles let Aspasia participate in important government conversations. Greeks watched plays together in one area. The Greeks invented drama.

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