Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Movie review

In class today we watched a  movie on ancient Greece. Themisticles Herocles socroties were important to Greek history.  508 B.C there was an uprising in Athens. Cleisthenes was an aristocrat that helped people to uprise  He was born around 570 B.C he was brought up in high social class. Athens was a small town in Greece at this time. Athens  was built around the Acropolis. The country was ruled by aristocrats. Mountains separated sections of Greece. Each part of Greece was called a city states.  Sparta were  focused on military things.  The Spartans were the best military city state in Greece.
The Greeks were facinated by stories and myths. The Illiad and Odyssey were the most popular stories in Greece. They were composed by Homer. These stories were called epics. Tyrants were rulers that took power. Pisistratus tricked Atheniens to believe that he had been chosen by the gods to rule. He was Cleisthenes brother-in-law. Pisistratus reduced taxes and introduced loans. Olives were a big part of Greece's economy. Olive oil allowed Greece to aquire goods from oter countries by trading. Hippias took over after Pisistratus. In 514 B.C Hippias's brother was murdered. He avenged his brother's murder. He then had changed and he was paranoid.  Cleisthenes led an uprising to over throw Hippias.

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