Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome questions

1. The geography of Rome helped it grow and become powerful. Rome was located on the Italian peninsula that helped because they were in the middle of the Mediterranian sea. It made it possible for Rome to trade with many countries and the Geography helped protect them from invaders.

2.  a. The Latins settled in northern Italy and began the Roman civilization. They were mostly shepards and settled in the Alps around 1,000 B.C.
b. The Greeks established colonies on the southern coast of Italy. The established about 50 colonies.
c. It is not known where the Etruscans originated from. They had an alphabet that was adapted from the Greeks.
3. Rome had values of family ties. The Society was divided into classes of people. The Gravitas was a bigpart of the society
4.  Women were respected as part of the family and were respected
They did things around the house
5. All males were required to serve in the military. Someone had to serve ten years as a soldier before they could hold a public office.

Republic - A government which people chose the leaders and was ruled by more than one person
Grativas- a important virtue the Romans valued. (Discipline, strength, and loyalty)
Pater- man who ran the family
Togas - Garment worn by the Romans. (Loose outer garments)
Legion- massive military section that was 4,000 to 6,000 people
Century- a subgroup of a legion there were 60 centuries in a legion

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cumulative Blogs

What did Homer do? He told stories
What was Homer physical condition? He was blind
What was the most famous story he told? The Odyssey

Who mixed cultures during the Hellenistic Age> Alexander the Great
There was not much information shared and it looked like not much time was put into researching the topic

About how much would the Parthenon cost in modern money? 1 billion dollars.

Who was a famous scientist of the Greeks? Archimedes
Who was a famous astronomer of the Greeks? Plato
Who was a famous mathematician of the Greeks? Pythagoras

What were the pots made of? Clay
What helped potters make pottery faster? Pottery wheel
At what temperature did the kilins get up to? 900 degrees F

How were things memorized? By songs
What were written poems acted out as entertainment? Plays
Did poets have other jobs? Yes

What was he accused of? He was not recognizing the Greek gods
  What was his penalty? death
It was very nicely prepared and unique

Who could compete? Men
What did they win? Crown of olive leaves and a statue at Olynpia
What was a popular event? Javelin
It was very informative and the video was very entertaining.

What was a main cause? Sparta's fear of Athens getting to big and powerful
When did the Athenian empire fall? 404 B.C
Who was very important to the Athenians? Pericles

Who was the first major philosipher? Socrates
What did Socrates want people to do? He wanted people to improve themselves
What was a major belief for Socrates? Personal beliefs were more important than material goods
Who taught Alexander the Great? Aristotle
Plato was a st

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Test Review

Today in class we are reviewing for a test. 25 to 35 questions. One essay and no short answer questions on the test. We came up with questions that would be on the test. Olympic sports : boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin. What was the formation the Greeks used in the army? Phalanx. What were the Greek soldiers called? Hoplites. Who did the Greeks fight the most? Persians. Battles against the Persians; Marathon, Thermopylae, Gaguamela, Issus. #Hydaspus was against the Indians. Why did the Peloponesian wars start? Sparta thought Athens was getting to powerful. Who was the war fought between? Athens and Sparta. Who won the war? Sparta. What was the strategy? Athens tried to win by using the navy. Athenians built a wall and tried to fight by sea. Inside the walls they got sick from the plague. 508 B.C the people rose up against the rulers for the first time in human history.  Sparta St what age were kids taken away fron their parents? age 7. What was
Sparta's strong part in the military? Army. Homer: Homer told the stories the Illiad and the Oddessey. Oddesseus was in the Oddessey. The Illiad was a story of the Trojan war. What was the age the Parthenon was built in? The Golden age of Greece. Pericles had three goals for Athens. Wanted to make Athens the best city of the time. Strenghten Greek Democracy. He wanted more land than what he had.  Voting places were called the agora. Pericles wanted to expand the empire. What was potteery used for/ Storing things like wine, perfume, etc. Who was Euclid? known for Geometry. Archemedies was invented a pulley system. Who were three main philosiphers? Socrates, :Plato, Aristotle. Socrates was Charged for disrespection the gods and corrupting the youth of Greece. Was guilty and killed by poison. The unexamined life is not worth it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday blog

In class today we continued watching the movie about Alexander the Great. Alexander went to Persia to conquer it. He conquered Babylon and the rest of Persia. After conquering Persia he went on to the Himalayan mountains. He couldn't get across the Himalayan mountains so he went to India. He counquered many places in India. He had won many battles in India.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Alexander the Great

In class today we watched a movie about Alexander the Great. Alexander tamed a horse that no one else could.  Beucephilis was the horse that Alexander tamed. One of his famous battles was the battle of Gaugamela. He defeated the Persians at that battle. The Falinx was the fromation that the Greeks used in battle.   

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Project Day

We saw other people's projects and took notes on each.
What was a greek soldier called ? Hoplite
Who bought the equipment for the soldiers? They bought it themselves
What was the formation that the Greeks fought in? Phalanx
Grade 100
It was very informative and had a lot of details and I learned a lot

 Who played the parts in the plays? men
Was the story sometimes told by song ? yes
Grade 95

Who was Alexander's father? Phillip II
Who did he defeat at Issus? Darius
At what age did he die? 33
Grade 100

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Blog

In class today we reviewed what we had learned about Greece so far. We looked at what we learned before the break. It was an easy day back becuse we basically just reviewed. We sawa few projects but not many. We learned about Spartan life. It took a long time to get the first presentation ready due to technical difficulties. I learned a few things about Sparta from the presentation. Spartan children were taken away from their parents at age 7.