Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome questions

1. The geography of Rome helped it grow and become powerful. Rome was located on the Italian peninsula that helped because they were in the middle of the Mediterranian sea. It made it possible for Rome to trade with many countries and the Geography helped protect them from invaders.

2.  a. The Latins settled in northern Italy and began the Roman civilization. They were mostly shepards and settled in the Alps around 1,000 B.C.
b. The Greeks established colonies on the southern coast of Italy. The established about 50 colonies.
c. It is not known where the Etruscans originated from. They had an alphabet that was adapted from the Greeks.
3. Rome had values of family ties. The Society was divided into classes of people. The Gravitas was a bigpart of the society
4.  Women were respected as part of the family and were respected
They did things around the house
5. All males were required to serve in the military. Someone had to serve ten years as a soldier before they could hold a public office.

Republic - A government which people chose the leaders and was ruled by more than one person
Grativas- a important virtue the Romans valued. (Discipline, strength, and loyalty)
Pater- man who ran the family
Togas - Garment worn by the Romans. (Loose outer garments)
Legion- massive military section that was 4,000 to 6,000 people
Century- a subgroup of a legion there were 60 centuries in a legion

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