Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Test Review

Today in class we are reviewing for a test. 25 to 35 questions. One essay and no short answer questions on the test. We came up with questions that would be on the test. Olympic sports : boxing, wrestling, discus, javelin. What was the formation the Greeks used in the army? Phalanx. What were the Greek soldiers called? Hoplites. Who did the Greeks fight the most? Persians. Battles against the Persians; Marathon, Thermopylae, Gaguamela, Issus. #Hydaspus was against the Indians. Why did the Peloponesian wars start? Sparta thought Athens was getting to powerful. Who was the war fought between? Athens and Sparta. Who won the war? Sparta. What was the strategy? Athens tried to win by using the navy. Athenians built a wall and tried to fight by sea. Inside the walls they got sick from the plague. 508 B.C the people rose up against the rulers for the first time in human history.  Sparta St what age were kids taken away fron their parents? age 7. What was
Sparta's strong part in the military? Army. Homer: Homer told the stories the Illiad and the Oddessey. Oddesseus was in the Oddessey. The Illiad was a story of the Trojan war. What was the age the Parthenon was built in? The Golden age of Greece. Pericles had three goals for Athens. Wanted to make Athens the best city of the time. Strenghten Greek Democracy. He wanted more land than what he had.  Voting places were called the agora. Pericles wanted to expand the empire. What was potteery used for/ Storing things like wine, perfume, etc. Who was Euclid? known for Geometry. Archemedies was invented a pulley system. Who were three main philosiphers? Socrates, :Plato, Aristotle. Socrates was Charged for disrespection the gods and corrupting the youth of Greece. Was guilty and killed by poison. The unexamined life is not worth it.

1 comment:

  1. There is more information about this rubric at Greek Project Rubric (found under the Links to History on my blog).

    1) 22/25
    2) 21/25
    3) 25/25
    4) 23/25

    Total: 92/100

    You put together a good report - now we just need to find a way for you to make it come alive in your presentation. Your classmates really like you - don't be worried about cutting loose a little!

    (Your classmates gave you a 93.)
